The #1 ADHD podcast

on iTunes, hosted by

The #1 ADHD podcast on iTunes, hosted by

Why Early is Best for ADHD

I was finishing up a 20-mile bike ride yesterday morning when I had a brainstorm. It was about 6am, I'd been in the park since 5am (illegally, I might add,) and was feeling amazing. My time was about a 3:30 minute per mile pace, and I was pleased. As I slowed down and...

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What happens when you lose your zone?

Last week, I took my daughter to San Francisco on her first business trip with Daddy. She's three years old, and I couldn't wait for all the fun she was going to have - going on an airplane, exploring new places, finding the best ice cream... And by and large, she had...

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Why Hiring the Damaged is your Smartest Business Strategy

When I was 10 years old, I was diagnosed with dyslexia, and a motor-visual impairment that made it difficult for me to copy the lessons teachers would write on the blackboard into my notebook. (My ADHD diagnosis would arrive twenty years later.) To counter my...

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