The #1 ADHD podcast

on iTunes, hosted by

The #1 ADHD podcast on iTunes, hosted by

Veteran Police Inspector Sussex, UK and ADHD Awareness Advocate INSP. Kaj Bartlett

by Faster Than Normal

A Police Inspector serving with Sussex Police, in the UK. Inspector Bartlett has over 20 years of Operational Policing experience. Living with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), diagnosed in 2017, a condition she did not know much about or understand until she discovered she’d lived with it all of her life! Seeking the right support to manage it has been transformative. Seeking to raise greater awareness of ADHD, she is working with others in efforts to de-stigmatize the condition. Currently part of the Advisory Group to the All Party Parliamentary Group on ADHD, she is the lead of a working group within her home Force that’s seeking to improve awareness of all Neurodiverse Conditions; doing so with the express wish to secure improved policing outcomes for those who are Neurodiverse and better employment outcomes for Neurodiverse Officers and Staff within the Force. Nationally she is the Lead for ADHD within the National Autism Policing Association; a national Officer and Staff support network. Whilst it was set up in relation to Autism, it now covers all Neurodiverse conditions. Today we talk about how being diagnosed has changed her life and the life of her children, what she is learning, and things to think about as we continue to change the conversation about all things Neurodiverse. Enjoy!

In this episode Peter & Inspector Bartlett discuss:

0:57-  Intro & welcome Inspector Kaj Bartlett!

2:37-  You were diagnosed in 2017. What finally brought you to getting tested?

4:15-  Did things begin to make sense a little bit more after your learned you had ADHD?

4:44-  You are currently on the APG Advisory board on ADHD. Neurodiversity is now being considered in policing! Tell us about what you’ve learned thus far, what you are working on etc.

9:57-  Are you finding that early education about ADHD, dopamine levels, etc., is making a difference?

13:20-  So, you’re saying that perhaps it needs to also be a family approach?

15:14-  Some people with Autism may not react “as expected” to commands given by police officers. Do you think training law enforcement about all types of neurodiversity would be effective and helpful?

18:56-  Thank you for your service and all that you are doing! How can people find you?  @ADHD_InspKaj on Twitter

20:00-  Thank you Inspector Bartlett! And thank YOU for subscribing, reviewing and listening. Your reviews are working! Even if you’ve reviewed us before, would you please write even a short one for this episode? Each review that you post helps to ensure that word will continue to spread, and that we will all be able to reach & help more people! You can always reach me via [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. You can also find us at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.

20:27-  Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits

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