5 Seconds of ADHD Mental & Physical Fitness w/ Expert Dr. Rick Richey
Our guest today has been in the fitness industry since 2002 as a certified personal trainer, training manager, orthopedic massage therapist, college and university adjunct professor, NASM master instructor, fitness industry presenter, author, and subject matter expert/talent for fitness industry educational videos and written content. He’s the co-host of the Omnia Fitness Podcast with Rick and Drogo and host of the NASM CPT Podcast. He owns the Independent Training Spot, NYC-based personal training gyms and is the co-owner of RēCOVER, an orthopedic and cognitive stress recovery center in Manhattan. He holds a masters in exercise science and a doctorate in health science and exercise leadership. We first met when he was kicking my butt at the New York Sports Club and has continued to be a very positive influence. We talk about what works for his many clients, his studies, and he shares a ton of great reads & advice with us today. Enjoy!
In this episode Peter & Dr. Rick Richey discuss:
0:45- Intro & welcome Rick!
1:40- Ref: Omnia Fitness Podcast with Rick and Drogo Peter was on THIS episode 🙂 NASM-CPT Podcast Independent Training Spot ReCoverNYC
1:45- Lots to talk about here- where did you get your doctored Rick?
2:30- We first met several years ago at New York Sports Club. Other than “Hey I wanna look good naked”, what is the No.1 reason you tell people that exercise and staying mentally & physically fit is so important, today more than ever? Ref John J. Ratey book: “Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain”
5:13- On Rick’s Executive Function assistance and how it related to Exercise Science
7:20- On making it past the hardest chore of working out. How do you get those of us that are neurodiverse to stick around… and then come back to work out again??
9:45- On managing energy systems Ref: study on benefits of exercise versus meds for depression. link to study link to article about study
11:45- Peter: “A headache doesn’t mean you have an aspirin deficiency”.
12:54- So ‘doctorally speaking’, what does exercise really do for the brain? Ref: Attribution Theory and Attribution Retraining
15:16- Ref: 23 and 1/2 Hours video. (Only several minutes, not an entire day in length)
16:23- Exercise doesn’t have to be all about picking things up & putting them down. You can actually enjoy yourself!
17:20- On finding what clients like to do for exercise. i.e. “A little bit of something is better than a whole lotta nothing”
19:30- Ref Dick Couch book: “The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228”
21:30- Ref Mel Robbins book: “The 5 Second Rule”
22:39- Why Peter goes to the gym/works out first thing in the morning!
23:21- Five rules Rick has found that work for ADHD Athletes
24:57- How can people find you Rick? @Dr.RickRichey on INSTA or ReCOVER or http://independenttrainingspot.com
25:30- Thank you Rick! And thank YOU for subscribing, reviewing and listening. Your reviews are working! Even if you’ve reviewed us before, would you please write even a short one for this episode? Each review that you post helps to ensure that word will continue to spread, and that we will all be able to reach & help more people! You can always reach me via [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. You can also find us at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.
26:13- Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits
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