ADHD Kickstarting w/h 18 Year-old Entrepreneur-Inventor Antoine Robi Robillard!
This young man is just beginning his career path with a stealthy little product called the Robiii. We learn today about how he’s learning to hurdle ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dysorthography and about the road he’s currently traveling. Like all of us he’s making his own pathway; here’s to helping him onwards as a young entrepreneur. Enjoy!
In this episode Peter and Robi discuss:
1:27- Intro and welcome Robi
2:10- When were you diagnosed and what’s your backstory?
2:42- So when you were first diagnosed, what did they tell you- how was it presented to you?
3:18- What was it like before you were diagnosed and on meds? ref: Vyvanse
3:58- What else were you diagnosed with? ref: Dysorthography
4:48- How do you work and deal with the Dysorthography? I’ve never even heard of that!
5:18- Tell us about the ways you deal with the Dyslexia and Dysgraphia?
5:34- Do you have plans to go to University?
5:58- What made you decide to become an Entrepreneur?
6:30- So for you, it was really learning what worked and what did not work?
7:06- When you decided to become an Entrepreneur and incorporate, did you get any pushback?
7:45- So tell us about your current project on Kickstarter!
8:29- How did you come up with the idea?
9:28- How’s the fundraising going?
9:54- What do you say to parents listening, who might have kids similar to you who also want to get out and do their own thing?
10:46- How can people get in touch with you, and find your Kickstarter project? Link to Kickstarter Also via INSTA is and @robi.robillard
11:16- Thank you Robi! Please stay in touch to let us know how it’s going!
Thank YOU for subscribing, reviewing and listening! You can always reach me at [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. Also at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.
11:40- Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits
Check out my new ADHD Coaching at
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I have too brilliant sons with ADHD and anxiety. I met you through Jeffrey Hayzlett a year ago.