ADHD Losing Weight & Staying Fit with Ari Morse
My friend Ari is a very successful Private Investigator, and a Forensic Genealogist. About a year ago though he had finally had enough! Enough of the teasing, enough of the big-pants shopping, enough of the failed attempts to lose weight & diet gimmicks, but perhaps most importantly his little girl couldn’t get her arms around him to give him a hug. Ari once served as an EMT and knew a likely future he would be facing unless he really made a commitment. So- he began taking some important steps. Literally. We talk about those steps today, one year later. Enjoy!
In this episode Peter and Ari discuss:
1:18- Intro and Welcome Ari!
1:55- So tell us some about your background & how you got to the “Enough is Enough Place”
3:05- On his experience with a meal delivery product
3:58- On his first experience working with a personal trainer, twice a week
5:13- Most of our listeners are ‘all-or-nothing’ like you. How did you begin & not give up; on day one, day two, day three, etc?
7:15- What gave you that hit, or encouragement to keep going?
8:20- On NOT being tied to a goal-weight
9:07- Talk about the days you messed it up, overslept, etc.
11:28- What have you learned about yourself?
12:50- What has been the reaction from your family?
13:30- What do you tell people who ask you or say: “I’ve tried everything to lose weight & nothing works!!”
15:08- So what’s your next challenge?
15:30- ref: Peter’s trainer David: The podcast episode. on Twitter
15:50- How can people find you for inspiration? @IFindHeirs on Twitter & INSTA Facebook, or email: [email protected]
16:15- Thank you Ari and thank YOU for listening! You can always reach me at [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. Also at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.
16:49- Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits
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