Brandon Steiner, CEO of Steiner Sports
Welcome to Episode 003 of The Faster Than Normal Podcast!
Today’s guest is Brandon Steiner, CEO of the #1 sports memorabilia company in the world, Steiner Sports. Brandon has talked about his ADD publicly many times in the past, and much like me, credits a lot of his success to it. We’re thrilled he took the time to join us today.
In this episode:
- How Steiner Sports started and grew over the years
- How Brandon manages to regularly post on his blog with all the other things going on?
- Brandon’s tips on managing ADHD & on staying present
- What to watch for when trying new medication
- The role Brandon believes that diet plays in ADHD
- How to utilize ADHD as an advantage to help with creativity
- Advice for someone that is freshly diagnosed
- Driven to Distraction by Dr. Ed Hallowell
- Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley