Promotions Guy Energetic ADHD Entrepreneur & Coach Ryan Schraffenberger
Ryan started his first business when he was 14 and has been hooked on business ownership ever since. He has learned to channel his ADHD into tons of energy which helps him to outwork his competitors, and has honed the creativity to find solutions for complex challenges. After graduating Saginaw Valley State University he moved to the paradisiacal Florida Keys, where he began his marketing business, Promotions Guy. In 2016, Promotions Guy expanded to Michigan to be closer to family. He’s a former City Commissioner, an active Rotarian, a guitarist in his church band, Youth Hockey Coach and a member of various Non-Profit Boards. He loves helping others in any way that he can and we at FTN do too! I hope you enjoy our visit with this creative marketing ADHD entrepreneur!
In this episode Peter & Ryan discuss:
0:50- Intro & welcome Ryan Schraffenberger!
1:45- So, your resume is kinda all over the place and it still sounds like you love everything you do; tell us about that?
2:30- When did you get diagnosed w/ ADHD; tell us your story?
3:22- Tell us how you learned to harness all of you energy and turn it into positive energy.
4:13- Why do you think so many people stick with jobs/professions, etc. in which they are not happy?
5:12- On Mondays & then end of happiness for some
7:20- You play guitar. Why and what role does it serve in your life?
8:47- How do you balance your passion for hockey while coaching the game!?
10:17- How do you handle bad calls in a game?
11:44- On managing high energy
12:18- What are your ‘go-to’s for staying calm?
13:00- In Marketing, how do you deal with a client who just doesn’t, or will not get it?
14:10- What do you hope people will understand about us and about ADHD?
15:46- How can people find you Ryan? email: [email protected] or via LinkedIn or FB
16:41- Thank you Ryan! And thank YOU for subscribing, reviewing and listening. Your reviews are working! Even if you’ve reviewed us before, would you please write even a short one for this episode? Each review that you post helps to ensure that word will continue to spread, and that we will all be able to reach & help more people! You can always reach me via [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. You can also find us at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.
17:11- Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits
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