The #1 ADHD podcast

on iTunes, hosted by

The #1 ADHD podcast on iTunes, hosted by

Recovery From The Bottom Of The Barrel w/ Royal Air Force Veteran, PTSD Survivor & ADHD Author Pete White

by Faster Than Normal

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Pete White was born and raised in the North East of England. At age 21 he joined the Royal Air Force. At 22 years old he was eagerly on his way to Afghanistan. Things took an unexpected turn there for him. He found himself in a bad spot- suffering from the crippling effects of PTSD and severe depression. After 7 years of that suffering, and a lot of medication & therapy, he was medically discharged from the military. Still mentally unwell and unsure of what he was going to do in his new life as a civilian, he made the tough decision to put his past behind him, take control and build the life that he wanted to live. 

Obsessed with the idea of personal success in every area of life, he developed methods and habits to channel his experience to benefit himself and others, creating his own version of success using his super-alert ADHD brain. Pete now spends his time helping other people to overcome their personal challenges, put their negative circumstances behind them, and create their own idea of success. He has recently written a book about his experiences named “From The Bottom Of The Barrel”. He generously shares his story with us here today. Enjoy!

In this episode Peter & Pete discuss:

2:16-  Intro & welcome Pete!

2:58-  So, what led you to joining the military?

3:50-  What led to your PTDS & depression after having such a good start?

5:43-  A lot of people in the military, in this country anyway, still fight a strong stigma against mental repair. How did it go for you in the UK?

7:02-  When people hear the phrase “the crippling effects of depression, or PTSD”, they don’t always comprehend what that means really, unless they’ve experienced them first hand. Would you share with us some of the effects you have experienced please?

8:45-  What were some of the therapies that helped you get through it and climb out?  ref:  EMDR Therapy

11:48-  The military is completely schedule-driven. Regimented. When you were discharged, you lost that order in your life. How did you handle that?

13:06-  What do you tell people who are re-entering civilian life?

14:15-  So, what prompted you to write this book: “From The Bottom Of The Barrel”?

15:43-  Is it available on Amazon? YES via 

15:54-  How can people find you?  Facebook: @imperiumlifecoaching Via email:  [email protected]  

16:34-  Thank you Pete!  And thank YOU for subscribing, reviewing and listening. Your reviews have been working! But.. EVEN IF you’ve reviewed us before, please continue to do so, so that word will continue to spread and we will all be able to reach & help even more people! You can always reach me at [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. You can also find us at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials. 

17:12-  Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits

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