Kicking Cancer & Cycling Around ADD w/ The Handsome & Multi-talented Tim Card
Our guest today is a… deep breath, ready?.. Father, Theology & Philosophy major, PNC Banker, Crossfit owner, Real Estate broker, Cancer fighter, Car-T Therapy recipient, youth Minister, classical guitarist, cyclist, avid reader, semi-pro photographer and in 2002 he was diagnosed with ADD! Today we talk to Mr. Tim Card about his cancer fight, his many paths-to-date, and how he combines therapy, exercise & meds to focus, remain healthy and stay in the saddle. Oh- and this just in: Since our interview, he has started his own podcast- check below for the link! Enjoy!
In this episode Peter & Tim discuss:
0:45- Introducing my fellow cyclist and photog Tim Card- a bit about his background. Ref: Video about Tim & his treatment:
2:12- Welcome Tim!
2:26- So you mentioned that your wife usually notices that you have gone off your meds before you do. Do you think we w/ ADD&ADHD are generally an open book?
3:38- Meds can often make the boring stuff ‘normal’ and the stuff we really love ‘awesome’. Tell us about your experience.
4:40- You have combined medication and therapy; for you it’s a working combo- tell us about it.
5:33- What does cycling specifically do to help you?
7:15- Ref: “The Specialized Foundation” is now known as “Outride” Our FTN podcast interview w/ Ted Theocheung and Dr. Kimberly Price.
7:40- How did you wind up majoring in Theology AND Philosophy, and finishing it all?!
9:02- You’ve had multiple careers. For starters, how did you leave banking and start a Cross-fit?
11:20- You had a big cancer fight. What changed for you and what did you learn through all of it?
16:48- Was there ever a point in which you started to lose faith?
18:40- You are a phenomenal photographer so obviously your Instagram is totally killer @TimCardPhotography, but how can people best get in touch with you Tim? FB @TimCardPhotography Email: [email protected]
THIS JUST IN- Tim has started his own podcast! Check out:
19:29- Thank you so much Tim! And thank YOU for subscribing, reviewing and listening. Your reviews are working! Even if you’ve reviewed us before, would you please write even a short one for this episode? Each review that you post helps to ensure that word will continue to spread, and that we will all be able to reach & help more people! You can always reach me via [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. You can also find us at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.
19:52- Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits
As always, leave us a comment below and please drop us a review on iTunes and of course, subscribe to the podcast if you haven’t already! As you know, the more reviews we get, the more people we can reach. Help us to show the world that ADHD is a gift, not a curse! Do you know of anyone you think should be on the FTN podcast? Shoot us a note, we’d love to hear!
superbowl shuffle 49er go tom menaldi world greatest guartists
listen on internet paY PERVIEWS. ALSONE
im in the commercial and i love it
I actually liked the runner up better…
I thought it would have been a remake of Michael’s commercial that he did…you know that one time. 🙂
I completely missed this one — don’t remember seeing it at all. But it’s a good catch.
a commercial
somebody is in the commercial …. i hate it :)))))