Neurodiversity and Superpowers in the Supply Chain with Whiz Kid Joia McDanie
Having ADD or ADHD is a gift, not a curse. Hear from people all around the globe, from every walk of life, in every profession, from Rock Stars to CEOs, from Teachers to Politicians, who have learned how to unlock the gifts of their ADD and ADHD diagnosis, and use it to their personal and professional advantage, to build businesses, become millionaires, or simply better their lives. Our Guest today in her own words:
Joia McDaniel is not just a dynamic force in the supply chain industry, but also a passionate advocate for neurodivergence. As the architect of Supply Chain GOAT she has over two decades of award-winning experience and an armory of creative ideas that set her apart in her field. Born and raised in Detroit, the epicenter of the automotive world, Joia was primed early on to understand the complex dynamics of supply chains. Today, she resides in Fort Worth, Texas, expertly balancing her role as a business maven with her life as a loving wife and mother to four spirited children. Joia’s journey to success is one that defies convention. Living with ADHD, she’s found a unique perspective that she applies to her work and life. Far from being a limitation, her ADHD has proven to be an extraordinary capability. It propels her creativity, drives her boundless energy, and fosters a level of hyper focus that enables her to delve into complex problems until they’re solved. Her Auditory Processing Disorder has refined her listening skills, helping her catch subtle cues others might miss and use these insights to fuel her innovative approach. Joia’s distinctive prowess has shaped her success and fueled her passion to advocate for the neurodivergent community. She actively promotes a better understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity, highlighting the unique strengths and talents that neurodivergent individuals bring to the table. She is a testament to the fact that different minds have a place in our world and can lead, innovate, and excel. Joia McDaniel is a trailblazer, a thought leader, and an advocate. Her contributions to the supply chain industry and her commitment to fostering neurodiversity make her story a powerful narrative of exceptional ability, resilience, and impact.
Enjoy and hey, thanks so much for subscribing to Faster Than Normal!
[You are now safely here]
00:40 – Thank you again so much for listening and for subscribing!
01:43 – Introducing and welcome Joia McDaniel CEO of Supply Chain GOAT
02:40 – So how does one grow up in the supply chain?
04:36 – On the rewards of a career in Supply Chain and Logistics; is it a sexy career choice now?
05:42 – How did you first get diagnosed?
06:21 – Oh no.. Not the Meatz!!
07:58 – What were the first major changes that you noticed personally after you got diagnosed?
09:51 – So.. we have tons of kids who are college students or just getting out of college, figuring out what they want to do with their life. If they wanted to look at supply chain, tell us why, number one, and then tell us what they should be doing to get involved in that industry? #SummerJobs #SupplyChain #Neurodiverse
10:43 – Why is it the perfect career for neurodiversity? This is Joia’s favorite question!
12:25 – Is working in the Supply Chain like putting out one fire after another?
13:11 – On Passion for your job/work/gig/world/client/account/boatshoes/recycle bins
13:46 – How do our New Summer-shiney subscribers find out more about you?
[email protected]. My website is It’s not up as of June 13, 2023, but iscoming soon, so those are the ways that I could be reached.
14:36 – 500 POINTS FOR USING THE WORD SAUNA!! Ahhhh.. summer swim & spa days….
15:00 – Hey, hellooo from Earth!!@ ERF! YEs! You right there with the cool earbuds and big grain Golden brain! Yes YOU dear! We are THrr~rilled that you are here & listening!! Repeat in forward and to your kiddo’sx! ADHD and all forms of Neurodiversity are gifts, not curses. -Peter Shankman. And ooh-ooh now.. and just by the way, if you haven’t picked up The Boy with the Faster Brain yet, it is on Amazon and it is a number #1 One bestseller in all categories. Click HERE or via My link tree is here if you’re looking for something specific.
00:00 – Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits. Guys, as always thanks so much for subscribing! Faster Than Normal is for YOU! We want to know what you’d like to hear! Do you have a cool friend with a great story? We’d love to learn about, and from them. I’m and you can reach out anytime via email at [email protected] or @petershankman on all of the socials. You can also find us at @FasterNormal on all of the socials. It really helps when you drop us a review on iTunes and of course, subscribe to the podcast if you haven’t already! As you know, the more reviews we get, the more people we can reach. Help us to show the world that ADHD is a gift, not a curse! All right, guys, as always, than you for listening. Love that you’re here. Any news, shoot us a note. go to everywhere but Twitter. We are on Blue Sky now at Peter Shankman on Blue Sky. [Ed- I will siphon -in BlueSky and learn about that next week!! If not in two or so, cooL?? -Ed]
[Also Ed here. SorryIFneedbe: This is a relatively brand new experiment in editing show notes, transcriptions sort of; so if you notice any important, or significant goofs we’ve missed here or along, please do let us know @FasterNormal Thanks! -Editorialist]
[Yaaaay Go-go-Gadget AI! -tell us in the comments or emaiL: -Ed]
Is this thing on??
1. Who is the guest of the episode?
Answer: The guest is Joia McDaniel, an advocate for both the supply chain industry and neurodivergence.
2. How has COVID impacted the supply chain industry?
Answer: COVID has increased the attention on supply chain as more people realized the importance of understanding each link in the process.
3. What are the cognitive differences of the speaker, and how have they helped them in their career?
Answer: The speaker has ADHD and auditory issues, which they consider their “superpower” in the supply chain industry.
4. What changes did the speaker experience after being diagnosed with ADD?
Answer: The speaker experienced a significant change in energy levels, ability to complete tasks, gained more confidence, and was able to hyper-focus more effectively after receiving a diagnosis of ADD.
5. How did understanding the diagnosis and accommodations help the speaker?
Answer: Understanding the diagnosis and accommodations helped improve the experience for the speaker in their career.
6. What company did the guest create, and how much experience does she have in the field?
Answer: The guest created Supply Chain Goat LLC and has over two decades of experience in the field.
7. Where was the guest born and raised, and why is it important for understanding supply chain dynamics?
Answer: The guest was born and raised in Detroit, which is important for understanding supply chain dynamics because of its connection to the automotive industry.
8. What sparked the guest’s interest in supply chain?
Answer: The guest’s interest in supply chain was sparked by growing up around the automotive industry and being fascinated by watching the process of turning car parts into a whole vehicle.
9. What are some challenges that neurodiverse individuals face, and how can they excel in supply chain?
Answer: Neurodiverse individuals can struggle with transitioning from a high-stress state to a calm state, but can excel in supply chain because of their ability to connect with different people and be natural people pleasers.
10. What is the name of the podcast, who is the host, and where can it be found?
Answer: The name of the podcast is Faster Than Normal, the host is Peter Shankman, and it can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, as well as———————————————————————————
TRANSCRIPT via and then corrected.. somewhat, (Ooh-ooh! 1234-now Fiiifth and likely final re-trial run is today June 13, 2023. #gen_AI_for_whut??
Peter Shankman [00:00:40]: And here’s the host of the Faster Than Normal podcast, the only man who goes skydiving to calm down + focus, Peter Shankman.
Peter Shankman [00:00:40]: Greetings, everyone. Happy day. It is time for another episode of Fast Than Normal. My name is Norm McDonald. No, that’s not true. I’m Peter Shankman, but I wanted to see if you guys are listening because I say that every single week. It is great to have you here. Everything is good. It is a gorgeous day. We’re finally into summer almost, but it’s good enough. It’s nice out. Everyone’s happy. Dog is sleeping. Let’s see how long that lasts. So I am good. I’m glad you’re with us, and I’m glad our guest is with us today, a lovely young lady named Joya McDaniel. Joya McDaniel is pretty interesting. The told me before we started that she’s really nervous because she can’t believe that I chose her to be on this podcast. I’m like, okay, you have obviously no idea who I am because I’m not special in the slightest, but there’s nothing to be nervous about. But that being said, I’m thrilled that you’re here: Welcome, Joia.
Joia McDaniel [00:01:26]: Thank you. Thank you, Peter. I appreciate that.
Peter Shankman [00:01:28]: So you have an interesting bio. You’re like a dynamic force in the supply chain industry, right? So you’re the reason that during COVID no one got any of the things they needed, right? That was all on you.
Joia McDaniel [00:01:40]: No, absolutely not, because I wasn’t a part of that.
Peter Shankman [00:01:43]: There you go. Someone didn’t hire you for the right time, and that totally screwed up the entire country anyway. She’s a passion advocate, not only in the supply chain industry, but also passionate advocate for neuro divergence. As the architect of as the architect of supply chain Goat LLC, she has over two decades of award winning experience in an armory of creative ideas that set her apart in the field. She was born and raised in Detroit, which is the epicenter of the automotive world, as we know. So she was primed early on to understand the dynamics of supply chain. Now she lives in Texas, and we’ll talk about that. But she’s expertly balancing her role as a business maven with her life as a loving wife and mother to four spirited children. She is neurodiverse. She has ADHD Add. She’s not a unique perspective that allows her to apply her work, so she applies this to her work in life. Here’s what I want to know. This cool thing. Her auditory processing disorder has refined her listening skills, helping her catch subtle cues others might miss. So essentially you’d be one hell of a poker player.
Joia McDaniel [00:02:37]: Yeah, maybe so. I don’t play, but I can learn fast.
Peter Shankman [00:02:40]: There you go. All right, Joy. Welcome to Faster. We’re glad to have you here. So how does one grow up in the supply chain; how does that happen?
Joia McDaniel [00:02:49]: So being from Detroit automotive, automotive is pretty much centered around supply chain. But as a kid, you don’t know about supply chain. You just know you see one vehicle. I mean, you see the arts turn into a whole vehicle. And with both my parents being in the automotive industry, one at GM and, the other at Chrysler, it was just my life. I grew up automotive. I just heard all the conversations and it just kind of stuck with me. And it’s literally just ingrained in my DNA because literally that’s all that Detroit used to talk about during my days of growing up. And it’s just going to see my Dad, seeing what he did, it was just always intriguing to see how he put one part on and then at the end you have this beautiful car. And so, yeah, that’s pretty much been my life. And I don’t know if you’ve heard of that saying, don’t shut the line down, but that is like a common phrase in Detroit. So you can’t shut the line down because it’s expensive and it’s almost like you’re just going to hell. Like, literally it’s just than serious. So having that ingrained in me, that started me out with the interest of just automotive, but I didn’t, like I said, grasp the whole supply chain concept until after college, actually, and I got my first job and I just pretty much fell into supply chain in the automotive industry. And it’s just been going nonstop, literally since then. So that’s how automotive supply chain kind of ingrained in it to where I am now.
Peter Shankman [00:04:26]: It’s kind of fascinating when you think about it. You found it amazing and you found it enjoyable. Joia McDaniel [00:04:36]: Yes, absolutely. It’s a very rewarding career and it’s kind of like the new sexy word now. You really didn’t hear about supply chain too much before, COVID so now everyone’s trying to understand all the dynamics of supply chain. And it’s such a layered field, and you really have to understand each chain, I mean, each link of the supply chain to really be good in this industry. Add that’s something that my ADHD and my auditory issues has really helped to put me in a position of just excellence regardless of what I’m doing, literally, it’s just effortlessly. So I’m excited. I find it to be my superpower. And it didn’t always be like this. It wasn’t always like this at all. I definitely had my challenges before I really understood what was going on. But definitely once you hone in and you know who you are and what you have and capable of the industry is just amazing for our brain type.
Peter Shankman [00:05:42]: So let’s talk brain type, let’s talk neurodiversity. How did you first get diagnosed?
Joia McDaniel [00:05:47]: So I was diagnosed in the third grade, and I was diagnosed because my mom was getting calls from the teachers I wasn’t listening, I wasn’t focused and all this stuff. And so was diagnosed from school, from my performance in school, Add. My mom, she never put me on any medication growing up. Instead, we did I don’t know if you’ve heard of, like, the Bach remedy flowers. Yeah, we did that. And then I had a diet. No sugar, no meat. Literally, it was like that for 18 years. She was very, oh, my God.
Peter Shankman [00:06:21]: No sugar I can handle, but no meat. Oh, my God.
Joia McDaniel [00:06:24]: Yes. It was crazy. And it wasn’t until I came home from college and my grandmother was frying some pork chops, and they smelled so good and, oh, my gosh, diet is broken. I cannot do this anymore. But, yeah, it’s been going on since the third grade, but my mother never talked about it. I just knew that I had to take these drops, but she never said what it was. So when I got my career started going, things just started getting a little weird, like, okay, why can’t I focus? Like, I need to why am I forgetting to do this? And just why is things just really weird? And so I went to the doctor again, I had the diagnosis, but I was never told about it. So I went to my doctor, and I literally told him this phrase. I said doctor, I am stupid. I don’t know what’s going on. I need some help. And just pulling my records and going through just my previous records and taking questionnaires, definitely. And then I told my mom. She’s like, oh, yeah, you’ve had that since the third grade. I’m like, you know what? That’s pretty much my story. And ever since I’ve had the official diagnosis of me knowing once, you know, it just kind of what do people say? It’s like you’re putting the wipers on when it’s raining. But, yeah, it’s been amazing. Now that I know and have an understanding, and I don’t know how I was getting by before that.
Peter Shankman [00:07:58]: Tell me what it was. So what was it like when you finally after you got diagnosed and you started, I guess whether it was medication, sort of understanding, Add, learning it, what were the first major changes that you noticed personally?
Joia McDaniel [00:08:10]: Well, the first major changes was my energy. I’ve always been high energy, but my energy was different because I was able to actually get things done, and I would get things done, and I was able to multitask with actually getting the things that I was multitasking completed and just more confidence and stand up, able to hyper focus more. I would say that’s some of the first benefits that I definitely experienced once I got the official diagnosis. And once you get it and you know Add, you understand some of the accommodations that you may need. That helps too. So you can understand exactly what’s going on with you. But not being able to tell your employer and kind of mask in those things that I would say was the most difficult. You didn’t ask that question, but that’s something that kind of ties into that because it’s all good. Add, you perform and you’re a stellar. You’re doing all these great things and getting these awards and everything but the masking and the background. It takes a long time to get things done for me back then before I learned updated processing. But it took a while to get used to having to do things differently and having the wheel and the brain power after medication.
Peter Shankman [00:09:51]: Let’s shift gears for a second. Go back to logistics and supply chain. So you say that it’s great for.Someone with Neurodiversity, supply chain is awesome. So we have tons of kids who are college students or just getting out of college, figuring out what they want to do with their life. If they wanted to look at supply chain, tell us why, number one, and then tell us what they should be doing to get involved in that industry To get involved in that worl.
Joia McDaniel [00:10:07]: So what they should be doing is looking into manufacturing, cohort classes or just anything dealing with automation, logistics. You could take courses at a community college. Even in high school they have transition classes and study groups and things like that. Just reading, reading and learning about supply chain, understanding the dynamics of it and what all it entails. What was your other question?
Peter Shankman [00:10:43]: Sorry, tell us about so you mentioned neurodiversity. Why is it the perfect career for neurodiversity?
Joia McDaniel [00:10:49]: Okay, so it’s the perfect career for neurodiversity. This is my favorite question because literally, supply chain moves so fast. Everything is moving so fast, Add. There’s always something new going on. Every day there’s a new problem, there’s something going on. And in order to keep up with that fast paced scale, you have to have the ability to stop what you’re doing maybe, and then go to something else and totally hone in on that and then go back to what you were doing before and have it be seamless. People communication, it can be a struggle with ADHD of people in supply chain, but we’re natural born people pleasers. So sometimes you get intimidated. But communication, being a people pleaser actually works because you’re dealing with so many people from so many different backgrounds and we’re just able to connect with just about anyone. I’m sure you definitely can understand that. So that’s definitely a plus. And then just being able to not just see one portion or one link when someone makes a decision and let’s say for instance, sales, you know, that okay, they made a decision in sales. So this is going to impact production. This is going to impact forecasting. So it’s like this huge like you just have this brand and you just know from the onset that if this happens, then that’s going to happen. So definitely those are definitely things people.
Peter Shankman [00:12:21]: With ADHD and Neurodiversity tend to be Really good at, putting out fires..Really good at, putting out fires. Is this a kind of industry where It’S one fire after anothe
Joia McDaniel [00:12:29]: Absolutely, yes, absolutely. There’s fires almost every day. And I don’t care how good your supply chain is. I mean, it’s so layered, it’s so deep that you’re always going to have something to do. Add it wasn’t oh, I’m sorry, go ahead.
Peter Shankman [00:12:42]: No, I just want to own into it because I want to follow up because that brings up an interesting question because we’re really good people with neurodiversity are phenomenal putting on fires. But how do you handle the concept of, okay, I just put in a fire. Now I have to go home and listen to my children or listen to my husband or calm down or not because I can imagine you put in a fire and you solve a huge problem. You must be high as a kite. Dopamine hit from that. Must be off the charts. So how do you then go home And turn it off? Joia McDaniel [00:13:11]: It’s difficult because you’re so passionate. We’re passionate people and you’re excited, especially if it gets accomplished and it’s favorable terms and it’s just having a partner that understands what I do and being supportive and can listen to my stories and kind of bring me down some, that helps. But the ride home when I was going to the office, especially if I had to go through traffic, it was a lot a huge transition to go from that. It’s like going from fire into the sauna. ####SAUNA!
Peter Shankman [00:13:46]: Fascinating. I love this. I want to get a job with you. Very cool. Joy than you. How can people find you? How can they reach you?
Joia McDaniel [00:13:54]: So you can reach me at [email protected]. My website is www. It’s coming soon, so those are the ways that I could be reached.
Peter Shankman [00:14:08]: We will link all of that in the podcast. I am greatly, greatly appreciative of you taking the time. Thank you so much. It was really great to have you.
Joia McDaniel [00:14:15]: All right. Thank you, Peter. I appreciate it.
Peter Shankman [00:14:17]: All right, guys, as always, than you for listening. Love that you’re here. Any news, shoot us a note. go to everywhere but Twitter. We are on Blue Sky now at Peter Shankman on Blue Sky. [asap is good; I know -Ed]
We’ll talk about this every episode, but any interesting guests, shoot us a note. We’d love to have them on as well. Stay safe, stay happy, have a great week andBy the time this comes out, it’ll Probably be summer, so stay cool and we will talk soon.Thanks for listening, guys.
Credits: You’ve been listening to the Faster Than Normal podcast. We’re available on iTunes, Stitcher and Google play and of course at I’m your host, Peter Shankman and you can find me at and @petershankman on all of the socials. If you like what you’ve heard, why not head over to your favorite podcast platform of choice and leave us a review, come more people who leave positive reviews, the more the podcast has shown, and the more people we can help understand that ADHD is a gift, not a curse. Opening and closing themes were composed and produced by Steven Byrom who also produces this podcast, and the opening introduction was recorded by Bernie Wagenblast. Thank you so much for listening. We’ll see you next week!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was incredibly inspiring to hear how you have embraced your ADHD diagnosis and turned it into a positive force in your Supply chain career.
I have ADHD and I also work in the Supply Chain realm.
Your perspective on harnessing the strengths that come with ADHD, such as creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability, is truly empowering.
Your journey serves as a reminder that we all have unique qualities that can be honed to achieve success. Keep shining and breaking barriers!
Thank you so much for sharing your story on the podcast! Your mom is HILARIOUS
I have ADHD, and I also work in the Supply Chain realm so I overstand your experiences and can relate to how it’s helped your succeed in “the industry that never stops”
Your perspective on harnessing the strengths that come with ADHD, such as creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability, is truly empowering.
This serves as a reminder that we all have unique qualities that can be honed to achieve success. Keep shining and breaking barriers!
Awesome Story it’s crazy the miracle Grandmas pork chops can do !!!
I’m proud of you for sharing this, very motivating to ignore all roadblocks and help sharing the blueprints to your success !!!
Excellent podcast. Thank you Joia for shining a light on the supply chain industry and how to succeed with ADHD and neurodiversity.
This was amazing content. Way to go Joia!