The #1 ADHD podcast

on iTunes, hosted by

The #1 ADHD podcast on iTunes, hosted by

ADHD Cardiovascular Nurse Clinician turned Theater Marketing & Promotions wiz, Elizabeth Manley discusses her many techniques and discoveries

by Faster Than Normal

This episode is underwritten by HealthIQ, and we couldn’t be happier to have them! See, one of the things I’m so passionate about when I talk about how I use my ADHD to my advantage is exercise, right? It’s obvious that a workout in the morning greatly boosts my brainpower and lets me use my faster brain to do great things.

But here’s the other benefit of exercise: Engagement in high-intensity exercise once per week decreases risk for cardiovascular mortality by 39% for men and 51% for women, and according to a 2009 Study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, men who did high-intensity exercise have a 35% lower risk of all-cause mortality. For women the risk reduction is 44%. THAT’S HUGE. If you’re exercising to improve how you manage your ADHD, AND you’re getting the extra benefits of a much healthier body, then guess what: You should be paying less for your life insurance! That’s where Health IQ comes in.

Health IQ uses science & data to secure lower rates on life insurance for health conscious people including runners, cyclists, strength trainers, vegans, and more. 56% of Health IQ customers save between 4-33% on their life insurance, and these savings are exclusive to Health IQ. They save their customers up to 33% because physically active people have a 56% lower risk of heart disease, 20% lower risk of cancer and a 58% lower risk of diabetes compared to people who are inactive.

Like saving money on your car insurance for being a good driver, Health IQ saves you money on your life insurance for living a health conscious lifestyle. Learn more and get a free quote at

Hello everybody and thank you for listening!  This week week we’re visiting with former ADHD Cardiovascular Nurse/Clinician, Photographer, Artist, and current Theater Marketing/Promotions coordinator, Beth Manley.  I know right? That’s a lot of stuff right there!  So, if you or a family member has ever dealt with ‘heart stuff’ (not heartBreak.. our Valentine’s Day episode has already come & gone this year), but real the nitty-gritty, surgery required type of stuff like- Angioplasty, Stents, Multiple Bypass- that kind of heart stuff- then I think you will appreciate Beth’s unique view ‘from the other side’.

Please take care of yourself and enjoy this one!

In this episode, Peter and Beth talk about:

00:43- Thank you Health IQ for sponsoring this podcast!

2:41- Welcome and introducing Beth

3:18- How does one with ADHD bridge from being a “Cardiovascular Nurse and Clinician” to “Theater Marketing and Promotions Coordinator” at Dominican High School in Milwaukee, WI?

5:24- How did you go about dealing and preparing for such a high pressure job?

5:56- Putting in the time to accomplish what you need to accomplish

6:53- How did you avoid the fear of forgetting something or messing up, especially during one of the most traumatic moments of another family’s life?

8:28- Facts, analogies, structure, making a photographic/illustrative bridge.

9:53- Keeping your brain engaged, focused and the art of adaptation.

11:21- Remember the phrase: She/He is such a type “A” personality?

12:28- Kinetic learning

14:20- When are you at your best? Should we be getting badges for multi-tasking, perhaps?

15:00- Photographer, Henri Cartier Bousson

15:50- States of flow. Varying your physical activities and how experimentation is never a waste.

16:45- How can we find you if we’d like to talk a little more Beth?  [email protected]

17:00- Thank you Beth!

17:24- Faster Than Normal Podcast contact info and credits


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