ADHD How did you navigate your path? Visiting with long-time listener, Dad, Musician, Software Engineer and all around good dude, Harran J. Williams
This episode is underwritten by HealthIQ, and we couldn’t be happier to have them! See, one of the things I’m so passionate about when I talk about how I use my ADHD to my advantage is exercise, right? It’s obvious that a workout in the morning greatly boosts my brainpower and lets me use my faster brain to do great things.
But here’s the other benefit of exercise: Engagement in high-intensity exercise once per week decreases risk for cardiovascular mortality by 39% for men and 51% for women, and according to a 2009 Study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, men who did high-intensity exercise have a 35% lower risk of all-cause mortality. For women the risk reduction is 44%. THAT’S HUGE. If you’re exercising to improve how you manage your ADHD, AND you’re getting the extra benefits of a much healthier body, then guess what: You should be paying less for your life insurance! That’s where Health IQ comes in.
Health IQ uses science & data to secure lower rates on life insurance for health conscious people including runners, cyclists, strength trainers, vegans, and more. 56% of Health IQ customers save between 4-33% on their life insurance, and these savings are exclusive to Health IQ. They save their customers up to 33% because physically active people have a 56% lower risk of heart disease, 20% lower risk of cancer and a 58% lower risk of diabetes compared to people who are inactive.
Like saving money on your car insurance for being a good driver, Health IQ saves you money on your life insurance for living a health conscious lifestyle. Learn more and get a free quote at
Hello everybody! If you been all wrapped-up with Awards season, I hope you can finally catch a breath now that the 90th Academy Awards are complete. Nine-zero, wow. When it comes to formal wear, I’m usually more of a jeans&blazer kid of guy, but I do have one pair of fancy-pants on the ready for such an occasion.
Speaking of civilian dress, this week we get to sit down with a long-time listener, Harran J. Williams! Harran reached out to me a little while ago and asked if he could be a guest on the Faster Than Normal podcast. I said: “Well sure- so what’s your story”? We find out that while Harran’s resume is very impressive, he’s really just grinding it out day-to-day like you, me and most of us here with ADHD. He’s a father of three, a volunteer at his church, a Musician, a Software Engineer, a former track star from New Jersey and just an all-around good dude.
I hope you dig getting to know Harran as much as I did. Enjoy!
In this episode, we tackle hurdles like these:
2:38- Welcome and introducing Harran
3:29- What’s your background?
5:30- What keeps you going?
7:00- Did your parents push you and did you ever feel overwhelmed as a young kid?
8:40- A week in the life, when I was going full throttle in school. Any questions?
9:48- What are your “life rules”? How did you learn to prioritize on your own. How did you pick which things you wanted to do best?
10:28- Choices and the choosing
10:50- Enter college. A track scholarship to maintain
11:44- How we with ADHD & ADD develop deadlines, or “pressure moments” and use time-lines.
13:45- What other “life rules” have you found that have been working for you?
14:00- If it’s not on my calendar, I don’t know about it.
14:45- Using ambient noise and ambient music to stay focused
15:54- How lists are massively important for us with ADHD. Google Keep, Process Street, and other sources.
18:84- Testimony of tools that work!
19:43- How can we find you online Harran? @HarronJWilliams on Twitter, InstaGram, and right here on Facebook ).
20:28- Thank you Harran!
20:49- Faster Than Normal Podcast contact info and credits
I really enjoyed this episode! I’m a huge fan of the book that was mentioned called ” ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize your Life.” The book is written by Judith Kolberg and Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D.” This book totally changed my life by helping me create structures for everything in my life. I wish there were more books like this! There is something brilliant about the visuals, summary points, and layout that makes it so perfect for ADHD.