The #1 ADHD podcast

on iTunes, hosted by

The #1 ADHD podcast on iTunes, hosted by

Overcoming Cyber Addiction w/h ADHD Academic Coach, Author & Multi-linguist, Kevin Roberts

by Faster Than Normal

Kevin Roberts has spent a good deal of his adult life coming to terms with his own ADHD and cyber addiction. He has a Master’s Degree in ADHD and Addiction Studies from Antioch University. He has trained therapists, students, physicians, nurses, teachers, parents, and school administrators on the perils of overuse of the Internet and video games, as well as ADHD. He has developed a number of innovative programs, such as Training Your Dragons summer camps that empower ADHD children, including intensive training to their families. His “ADHD Empowerment Groups” have been featured on television programs and other media outlets. A sought-after speaker, Roberts has given lectures and workshops around the world, and has recently spoken in the United Kingdom, Canada, Holland, and Poland. He speaks five languages fluently. He has taken groups of young people and their families to Poland to visit Schindler’s factory, Auschwitz, and other Holocaust sites. Roberts has appeared on national and local television stations across the country and the world. Enjoy!

In this episode Peter and Kevin discuss:

:54-  Intro and welcome Kevin!

2:06-  Tell us your story & your background. How old were you, how were you diagnosed, etc. ref: psychometric testing

3:45-  How did the internet addiction thing come into play? How did you identify that? ref:  Confessions of a Self Help Junkie 

8:04-  So at what point did you realize that something really had to change with the gaming?

9:05-  So what happened- what did you do to get better?

10:00-  Tell us about your daily routine

10:47-  Let’s talk about a good night’s rest

11:30-  Talk to us about language-learning skills. That’s not usually a norm with ADHD folks.

12:35-  Tell us more of your passions; what else do you do when you’re not in ‘the zone’ working. ref:  BBC’s The World At War

14:00-  This is definitely not the place to talk politics but considering that reference, how do you feel about what you see going on in the US and European politics today?

15:09-  Tell us parents about your summer camps! ref:  kinesthetic learningTraining Your Dragons camp”

16:08-  On changes being made in recognizing ADHD 

17:23-  Tell us about your upcoming book! Schindler’s Gift: How One Man Harnessed ADHD to Change the World link to it at Barnes & Noble  (Soft release on Oct. 8. Official release on Dec. 7)

18:17-  How can people reach you Kevin? or email: [email protected]

18:38-  Thank you Kevin!! And thank YOU for listening1 You can always reach me at [email protected] @petershankman on all of the socials, and also at @FasterThanNormal on all of the socials.

18:42-  Join us January 24th in Las Vegas! ShankMinds: Las Vegas is a complete business transformation experience. When you attend a ShankMinds Event, you grow your business and boost your revenue in three simple steps. 120 Entrepreneurs. One Day. Unbelievable Breakthroughs. 

19:20-  Faster Than Normal Podcast info & credits

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