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Welcome to a Faster Than Normal World.
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Imagine a world where everything moves at super-fast speed. Where answers come in seconds, rather than in minutes, where solving several problems at the same time isn’t fantasy, but a daily reality. Imagine being able to use your brain to do more in an hour than most people do in a day, every single day.
For those with ADD and ADHD, that’s not science fiction, it’s reality. But it’s a reality that comes with a steep learning curve. Like learning how to drive a sports car, those with super-fast brains need to know how to manage them. We need to know how to get the best out of them, without running them into the ground.
That’s where I come in. My name is Peter Shankman, and I’ve spent the past twenty years starting, building, and selling companies, as well as writing best-selling books, speaking to corporations all over the world, making almost daily TV appearances, teaching hundreds of thousands of people how to improve their personal and professional lives, and finally, being a husband and a father. I’ve also been diagnosed gifted with ADD/ADHD.
So what’s my secret? I’ve learned to use my ADD/ADHD as an advantage, not as a disability. I’ve come up with and implemented countless tricks, secrets, and hacks that constantly improve my day to day life, professionally, and personally. Faster Than Normal is where I’m going to share them with you.
By the way – I should mention – I’m not anti-medication. I think that medication plays an important role in helping certain people thrive with ADHD. But I am against medication being the first response when someone learns differently, or has a non-traditional way of looking at things, or simply has a hard time sitting still (like I did, and still occasionally do.) I in fact have a prescription for a form of ADHD medication, but for me, it’s a last resort, not a daily go-to. I think that in some cases, we’re starting to rely on medicine as a crutch, and in some cases, (not all, but some,) we’re potentially drugging the creativity out of our next generation of leaders. Now, I’m obviously not a doctor, and if you think you may have ADHD, I encourage you to talk to your doctor, investigate the science out there, and in partnership with your medical professional, come to a conclusion that’s right for you. In my case, that’s what I’ve done, and I’ve learned to embrace the speed at which my brain works, and use it to my advantage.
Whether you’ve just been diagnosed gifted with ADD or ADHD, whether you’ve had it for years, or whether you’re the parent, friend, or employer of someone who has it, or if you’re not even sure if you have it at all, you’ve found a home. Welcome. Check out the blog, the videos, and most definitely subscribe to the free podcast, where we interview some of the top minds in ADD/ADHD, as well as celebrities, sports figures, and business leaders, all of whom share the same gift of ADD/ADHD – In other words, we’re all Faster Than Normal!
Welcome to faster than normal. We’re glad you’re here!
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